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Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu is a system of nine ancient martial schools opened to modernity and made alive by the teaching of Soke Maasaki Hatsumi.


It's a "genuine" (M. Hatsumi) martial art, enriched by that evolutive aspect that Soke Hatsumi implemented through the years. The starting point (but finality as well) is the development of taijutsu, the art of the body itself. The use of the body is the essence of the martial art. In the first steps it's important to explore the perceptions of the body and a development of the natural endowment. The space (japanese kukan) is also the tactical space in which the fighting develops itself. Studying our mouvement it's the first step to understand other people's and experiment our distance.


Besides specific exercises to develop perception, a very relevant part of the study is called tahienjutsu, meaning the study of the movements, jumps, drops, rolling (sabaki, tobi, ukemi, kaiten...). The steps are divided in levels, dealt in different degrees.


A fundamental part is the knowledge of human bio mechanic. The study of anatomy and balance lead to an essential enrichment for the study of the martial art. The shots are a good "trait d'union" between the study of the space and the study of bio mechanic. The natural body weapons (ken ju roppo)  and their methods of use (dakentaijutsu)  are explored.

Imbalances, projections, pressure points, joint levers and strangulation (jutaijutsu) complete the anatomical study framework, as a relevant advantage in the physical confrontation.


The study of the numerous School techiques enriches the list oc concepts and feelings deriving from the differents technical and historical frameworks. The henka (variations of the waza, the techniques) make room for an infinite number of possibilities, breaking down the borders and the classical preconceptions of the definition of "style" and incrementing exponentially the adaptive and technical abilities of the individual. Taking all of this and adding the study of many weapons and you can easily imagine the vastness of this martial art.

All this just remaining in the "external" part, of a path that has it's most consistent part in the internal path of every person.


The emphasis on the bases is constant and necessary. In the Bujinkan system the bases contains a thousand facets that build all the possibilities of movement. The principles and the dynamics as well that the bases contains are a source of continuous inspiration.

A person can start in any moment of the year because they will find a constant part of the training imprinted on the bases.


"Kihon Happo, that is the way!"

- Takamatsu Toshitsugu


Bujinkan Zenshin dojo is a study and experimentation group of the martial art. Our finality is to improve ourselves every day trying to bring back the practice to every aspect of our existence. We research pragmatism and efficacy as well as harmony and well being. We try to leave out from practice any form of intellectualism. The only theoretical forms allowed are: the communication to the students of the names of what they are practicing and possibly the historical-cultural aspect of it.


It is our belief that people must be informed on what they practice and why. This to preserve the discipline and give back to them a path of practice as well as knowledge. The rest is pure training


"A person who practice Budo with constance, will slowly undertsand the spirit of the techniques found inside the training"

- M. Hatsumi


"Don't think, don't talk, train!"

- M. Hatsumi

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